We had the pleasure of being summoned again by Discovery Channel for the development of 5 idents.

The challenge was to create five universes that represent the emblematic themes of the channel and thus transmit the Discovery essence with a simple and direct storytelling.

We hope you enjoy it!


Tuvimos el placer de ser nuevamente convocados por Discovery Channel para el desarrollo de 5 idents.

El desafío consistió en crear cinco universos que representen las temáticas emblema del canal y de esta forma transmitir la esencia Discovery con un relato simple y directo.

Esperamos que lo disfruten!

Creative Director: Julian Nuñez

Design Direction: Julian Nuñez

Modeling: Martin Motta, Diego Túmites, Julian Nuñez

Texturing: Martin Motta, Diego Túmites

Lightning & Shading: Julian Nuñez, Diego Túmites

3D Animation: Diego Túmites, Julian Nuñez

VFX: Diego Túmites

Composition: Julian Nuñez, Gonzalo Nogues

Sr. Director Panregional: Lucilla Picco

Art Director: Sergio Laguzzi

Producer: Lorena Walker