Shell Supercars TITLED No Oil Pour by MILL-广告-百货-国际案例

What's our secret Formula 1? Just mix together our favourite things; Sam Brown, Rogue Films, JWT and red Ferrari's, lots of them.

There's a certain magic for everyone when it comes to Ferraris. Even if cars aren't your passion the idea of driving a Ferrari, a red Ferrari at that, is very exciting. Imagine a world where every car on the road is a Ferrari. This new spot from Shell shows us a wonderful world where every time you use Shell Helix in your 'wheels' it will drive like a Ferrari and you will feel proud.

Shot on several locations around the world - Rio, Moscow, Kuala Lumpur and Shanghai, director Sam Brown brings the awesome concept of Ferraris everywhere to life. And with a natural grade from Aubrey, he was definitely seeing red, but in a good way!


是每个人一定的魔力,当谈到法拉利。即使车,也不是你的激情驾驶法拉利,在那红色的法拉利,是非常令人兴奋。想象的世界里,每一个在路上的车是一辆法拉利。从壳牌的新亮点,向我们展示了一个美妙的世界,每次使用壳牌喜力在你的'轮子',它会像法拉利开车,你会感到自豪。射击世界各地的数个地点 - 里约热内卢,莫斯科,上海和吉隆坡,导演萨姆·布朗带来的法拉利真棒概念无处不在的生活。与自然从奥布里年级,他肯定是看到红色,但在一个好办法!