推荐:L’ECHIQUIER MONDIAL节目包装-三维-清新-栏目-新闻-包装

作者:Alex 16:9(俄罗斯)

Motion Graphics Freelancer 自由设计师




The task of the project is to show the difference of opinions with the help of graphic forms. Visualize the concept of discussion without resorting to direct forms. Show how the opinion of the opponent changes under the weight of undeniable arguments. Avoiding literal references to chess, keep the elements of the game.


该项目的任务是在图形形式的帮助下展示意见分歧。 在不诉诸直接形式的情况下,将讨论的概念可视化。 展示对手的意见如何在不可否认的论点的重压下发生变化。 避免字面上提到国际象棋,保留游戏的元素。

Some design elements have become a structure for decorating the studio space.

The uneven checkerboard grid has become a pattern for the background. The struggle of black and red colors can also be traced here, personifying the confrontation of different points of view.


不均匀的棋盘网格已成为背景的模式。 黑色和红色的斗争也可以在这里追溯,体现不同观点的对抗。