CCTV1 C先生 新年ID Brand Energies-国际案例

Brand Energies为CCTV综合频道设计的新春主题ID

Brand Energies为央视一套制作了20秒新春版ID,已于农历新年完美呈现在了观众面前。

3D动画的主角是Brand Energies最新为频道设计的吉祥物——C先生,整支ID围绕调皮的C先生与一幅春联卷轴之间的互动展开,最后落版为热情洋溢的新春问候语“开门见喜”。

画面将传统的中国新春传统场景与精妙的3D动画技术完美结合,由来自Coffee and TV的设计师Phil Hurrell亲自操刀动画技术,同时知名的电视作曲家David Lowe为短片制作了配乐。

短片在中国农历新年期间上线播出,此外Brand Energies还设计了全新视听感受的春节版菜单以及下三分一字幕条,一并为观众呈现出浓郁的节日氛围。

Chinese New Year ID for CCTV1

February 17th, 2013 by Sandy

Brand Energies have just created this beautifully realised 20 second ID for Chinese New Year on China’s CCTV1.

The 3D sequence features our newly designed channel mascot Mr C unrolling a Chinese Scroll to reveal a warm New Year’s greeting to the audience.

It really shows how we are able to deliver finely observed traditional Chinese imagery combined with stunning 3D animation.

Animation was led by Phil Hurrell at Coffee and TV with music by David Lowe.

The sequence airs throughout the 2 week national holiday period.

In addition we were asked by CCTV1 to design a Chinese holiday menu sequence and Lower Third strap to give the channel a special holiday look and feel.

创意制作:Brand Energies 公司

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