Joaquín Cortés "Calé"-国际案例


Joaquín Cortés "Calé"-国际案例

These visuals were created for the Spanish flamenco dancer Joaquín Cortés World Tour 2009-2012. Videos are projected on gigantic LED screens. Each piece of video is synchronized with a different act of the show, embellishing and surrounding the "bailaor" and his troupe performance.

This video is a special creation for this site, sort of recompilation of one intense hour of Motion Graphics.

.Concept, Art direction & Motion Graphics

Tavo Ponce, Per Christian, Holke79

.Show Production

Joaquín Cortés &TSA (Telefónica Servicios Audiovisuales)

.Motion Graphics Production

Toch Studio

.Music for reel

Pablo Navarro


Toch Studio