—Client / 出品方

—Project name & type/项目名称&类型

—Production House / 制作方

—Production Date/产出时间

—Production cycle / 制作周期
15 days





In this fast-paced era, everyone is seeking their own small joys in life and needs little surprises to brighten up their daily routines. The Suntory brand has always been committed to delivering high-quality products and services. This time, we’re launching a creative campaign called “Suntory Serendipity.” We hope to add unexpected joy to your life through a series of delightful stories.

在这个快节奏的时代,每个人都在追寻那份属于自己的小确幸,都需要一点小小的惊喜 来点亮平凡的生活。三得利品牌一直致力于为消费者带来高品质的产品和服务。这次,特别推出了一场名为“逢三得利”的创意活动。希望通过一系列妙趣横生的故事,给您的生活增添一份不期而遇的惊喜。


To better convey this surprise, Suntory has produced a live-action and animation hybrid short film. The film is divided into three chapters: “The University Student,” “The Office Worker,” and “The Traveler.” Each chapter uniquely portrays those serendipitous moments that make life special.


The entire film follows an ordinary person having a surprising encounter with Suntory at some point during their day. “The University Student” tells the story of a tired female student who encounters trouble at the subway turnstile but unexpectedly receives a Suntory coupon, setting off on an unexpected adventure. “The Office Worker” features a busy white-collar man who faces minor setbacks at work but finds temporary escape from reality thanks to a coupon. The final chapter, “The Traveler,” is about a woman about to embark on a journey who experiences a small mishap in the subway car but is then blessed with good luck, brightening her day.

