2013 CCTV1 Hero ID Brand Energies-国际案例

2013年元旦开播 CCTV综合频道改版系列

创意制作:Brand Energies 公司

CCTV1 Rebrand

Brand Energies has just completed the first phase of its comprehensive rebrand of CCTV1, China’s most watched television channel.

Our agency has created a stunning new hero identity and integrated onscreen presentation system with music commissioned music from renowned British composer David Lowe.

The new look and feel went on-air 1st January 2013 following a two month long design and production schedule.

“Orbiting glass arcs representing CCTV1’s joint offering of national news and general entertainment programming come together to create a constantly moving and dynamic arc energy hub with the CCTV1 logo at its centre. This is a very contemporary and bold new image for CCTV1 as it seeks to strengthen its position as the most popular TV channel in the world” explains creative director Sandy MacMillan.

Creative agency: Brand Energies

Music: David Lowe Music

Client: China Central Television中央电视台综合频道2013年改版

Brand Energies刚刚结束了中央电视台综合频道(CCTV1)2013年全面改版的第一阶段工作。

Brand Energies为频道制作了一条非常绚丽的主ID, 由此衍生的OSP导视系统也与英国知名电视广播作曲家David Lowe的作曲完美结合 。


创意总监Sandy MacMillan介绍,“玻璃弧以 Logo“CCTV1”为中心环绕弧形能量轴进行持续而且有力的运动,体现出以国家新闻与综艺节目相结合的综合频道气质。 这对于综合频道来说,这是一个全新的、极具现代感的鲜明形象,强化了综合频道作为世界上受众最广的电视媒体的地位。”

创意机构:Brand Energies

作曲:David Lowe


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